2023 SWPP Annual Conference
Monday, May 15–Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Register today for the 2023 SWPP Annual Conference with lots of WFM sessions, networking, and fun! Everyone is invited to attend this conference, and anyone in the workforce planning community can benefit from the informative workshops and opportunities to network with peers. As an attendee at the 2023 SWPP Annual Conference, you will:
- Learn about industry trends and hot topics from the experts.
- Improve your workforce management skills.
- Make important contacts and network with your peers.
- See the latest technology available to you.
- Have a great time!
You don’t want to miss this exciting event, so make your plans to attend now.
“As I become more experienced in my position, the networking and sessions at the SWPP Annual Conference become more and more valuable for me. The wealth of knowledge available and willingness to help is amazing.”
“I love the ability to keep up-to-date on WFM topics, meet new people in the WFM world, and learn lots at the various sessions so I can bring multiple things back to my company each year. I feel that the conference has great value.”
“I feel like I met people I can go to after this conference to talk WFM with and gather ideas. The networking is great. Hearing from everyone was really valuable, and I know others were saying the same. Listening to the speakers was amazing, but the conversations happening while in the sessions too was really something I appreciated. Hearing how others are dealing with low staffing, how they are helping with retention, how they are engaging staff more, explaining WFM to frontline agents from new hire training, etc…”
I thought the topics were exceptional. More so than ever, I felt that there was a spirit of many of the companies represented having similar challenges and this drove great conversations throughout the conference both formally and informally. I left with a ton of notes! It was great to be back in person in Nashville with everyone and I felt like this was the best conference of the seven I have attended.”
“I loved hearing workforce conversations from numerous professionals, and in a friendly and welcoming environment. Being with so many WFM people was amazing. It was a first for me and I will definitely be returning.”
“The information was incredibly valuable and I have been able to apply the information to my daily work. Adjusting forecast and when to adjust has been one of the struggles and the sessions helped on being able to provide information to have adjustments needed.