Educational Offerings

Exclusively for SWPP Members

Fundamentals of Workforce Management

Web Seminar Series

The Fundamentals of Workforce Management web seminar series is offered annually to SWPP members. These web seminars are offered throughout the year. The courses provide practical knowledge and skills in all aspects of workforce planning and management, including extensive coverage of topics covered in the CWPP Certification Exam. SWPP offers the classes as 90-minute web seminars to be delivered at 1pm Central/2pm Eastern time. Each class can be attended by an unlimited number of students from a single location. These web seminars are provided at no cost for SWPP members. However, non-members may attend at a cost of $300 per web seminar
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On-Demand Workforce Management Courses

SWPP offers on-demand workforce management courses that are available exclusively to SWPP members. The courses provide practical knowledge and skills in all aspects of workforce planning and management, including extensive coverage of topics covered in the CWPP Certification Exam. An assessment and articles are included with each course. The downloadable assessment has the questions on one page and the answers on another. There are also articles linked after each course for more specific information. SWPP members can access the on-demand courses in our library after logging in.
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Available to All

Sponsor Web Seminars

SWPP sponsors are leading providers of software and services specific to workforce management. These web seminars are offered to anyone interested.
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Our Members Present...

SWPP will be presenting live web seminars throughout the year for anyone interested. The topics for these web seminars will range from basic workforce management principles to advanced topics. They will be presented by our members and industry experts.
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