Click here for instructions for the StaffSmart Calculator.
- Staff from Workload & Service Level
- Staff from Workload & Average Delay
- Average Delay from Workload & Staff
- Service Level From Workload & Staff
- Agent Utilization From Workload & Staff
Staff from Workload & Service Level
The calculation provides the number of “bodies in chairs” agents required to accomplish a specific workload to meet a service level goal expressed as X% of calls answered within Y seconds. Because of the random arrival of work and the fact that some staff will necessarily be idle while waiting on the next call to arrive, the number of staff will always be greater than the actual hours of work to do. How much greater this staff requirement will be depends upon the service level goal.
Staff from Workload & Average Delay
This calculation provides the number of staff required to accomplish a specific amount of workload to meet a delay or queue time goal, expressed as the average number of seconds. Because of the random arrival of work and the fact that some staff will necessarily be idle while waiting on the next call to arrive, the number of staff will always be greater than the actual hours of work to do. How much greater this staff requirement will be depends upon the average delay goal.
Average Delay from Workload & Staff
This calculation provides the actual average delay or average speed of answer (ASA) to be experienced based on a number of staff in place to handle the defined workload. You supply the number of staff, the number of calls, and average handle time, and the software provides the average delay to be expected. The average delay will be shorter as more agents are added to handle the calls. Likewise, the delay time will get longer in ever-increasing amounts as staff are removed. The closer the number of staff to the actual workload hours, the longer the delay time.
Service Level From Workload & Staff
This calculation provides the service level to be expected with a given number of staff and a defined workload. Supply the number of staff, workload (number of calls and AHT), and the acceptable threshold of queue time in seconds and the software provides the service level, or the percent of calls that can be expected to be handled within the defined threshold of time.
The more agents in place, the higher the service level. The actual service level to be achieved will vary depending on the queue threshold. The higher the delay threshold (ie, 60 seconds versus 20 seconds), the higher the percent of calls that can be expected to be handled in that timeframe.
Agent Utilization From Workload & Staff
This calculation provides the percentage of time agents will be engaged on calls (talk or ACW) compared to sitting idle waiting on a call, based on the number of staff in place to handle the workload. Occupancy is calculated by dividing workload hours (erlangs) by staff hours (bodies in chairs). The more staff in place to handle the calls, the lower the occupancy will be, as workload gets distributed among more people. While it is desirable to increase occupancy so agents are busy processing calls compared to sitting idle, having occupancy ranges too much above 90% can overwork staff and cause them to engage in undesirable behaviors in order to get a break between calls.