SWPP will be presenting live web seminars throughout the year for our members. The topics for these web seminars will range from basic workforce management principles to advanced topics. They will be presented by our members and industry experts.
Let’s Talk about Shrinkage. Shrinkage is something that we try to quantify, want to own, attempt to plan, but always fight. In this session we will discuss shrinkage planning, categorization, and how you can become the ally you need to be to your operations team. Like a good cup of coffee, whether it is iced, hot, or mocha, it’s about what works for you when you need it. So come join us as we brew up a special blend of method, practice, and communication around shrinkage planning. – Speaker: Marshall Lee
Hitchhikers Guide to WFM. Do you ever feel like you need a guide on your quest to map out processes and communications for your WFM team? In this session we will discuss how a traveler through the galaxy of WFM can explore team structures, roles, and methods of applying WFM, then create a manual to communicate it to your stakeholders and team. So don’t panic, always carry a towel, and meet us here with an open mind and lots of questions so we can guide you on how to build the ultimate playbook, and guide to bring order to your team. – Speaker: Marshall Lee
Finding Your Voice in Non-Voice WFM. Are you being asked to tackle non-voice and back office workforce planning? Is call center, and voice your expertise, but things that move, are paper, social media, chat, or other things that don’t talk back – not really your thing? Come find how to speak a different language other than voice. In this session we will learn how to answer the “ but I am different “ challenge and how to build a culture of change for WFM when it is introduced into a new space, or readapted to a non-voice world. – Speaker: Marshall Lee
Generation WHAT? Understanding Generations and Their Impact on WFM in the Modern Contact Center. Gen Z, Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen X – some have names and letters? The years change, and what is a Xennial? Does any of this matter? What is a Yeet? The most awkward moments can come at a holiday meal when you sit around and the now grown up kids are home from college, and their parents are sitting with them, and the grandparents and everyone tries to connect; or it can happen in a Zoom – or in a shift bid. Generations and context matter because the world evolves – change is rapid, but the human experience is constant. In this session we will talk about some of the things that impact how each of the main cohorts in the workforce today can influence what you do, and how they impact your role and even your work as a team. No single session can cover all of generational theory, but we can equip you with some strategies to have some meaningful moments, give some understanding to what the current definitions are, and maybe avoid some cringe. No Cap – I mean, for real. – Speakers: Marshall Lee
Click here to download the PDF of the presentation: SWPP_Generation What_2024