Tracking WFM’s call center cost savings.
Often the value of WFM projects are undervalued by leaders outside of the WFM team. However, this is largely because we quantify successes with internal definitions.
For example, we report that the new adherence to schedule process has lowered agent after call work usage by 16 seconds. While this is technically true, a more convincing way to portray this information exists.
Try to quantify successes in a language that every business speaks — head count and money. The above example could have been more effective if the cost savings were portrayed by saying that the new process has saved the company four FTEs, which equates to $200,000 annually. Knowing what your audience needs to hear is more important than providing the technical answer.
This information can also be useful if your team finds itself in a position to defend the size of its staff, or the need for expansion, not to mention the impact that the results can have on the morale of the team, e.g., our efforts have saved the company from unnecessary hiring.
Note: This tip provided by Michael VandenBerg of Gerber Life Insurance. He may be reached at Mi****************
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